Author: admin


GEM21 is a metal-programmable Gate Array from the 1984/85, designed and manufactured by the ex-Yu “EI Niš” & banjalučki “Rudi Čajavec”.

FPGA -image classification

… here come Tarik Hamedović and Ahmed Imamović from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Sarajevo, kicking the #kv260 tires, prepping terrain for the kickoff of a project to tinker with, transform and customize this generic model from the Xilinx #vitis #ai library “zoo”.


Here comes 高云半导体 Gowin Semiconductor Corp full-digital #serdes for #gpio. Inexpensive and abundant, this 2.5Gbps performer holds promise to revolutionize #fpga #peripheral connectivity ➡ #usb, #ethernet, #mipi, #industrial, and beyond.

2023 RECAP

Reflecting on the 2023 achievements, and ’24 plans, the pains of those with no peace, no water, no food, no access, no job, no home, no life, comes above all #opensource, #fpga, #microelectronics, #technology glitz we enjoy spending our time on.